
AI prompts to make you a pro

Promptlib is your personal cheat sheet for getting sh*t done (or just having a laugh) with AI.

Sign up now to receive the most interesting AI prompts from across the web every week.


What are prompts?

Prompts are just instructions you give an AI model to get your desired result.

With prompts, you don't need to be an AI expert or spend hours coding. Just type in your prompt, and the AI does the rest, giving you amazing results in seconds.

How it works

  1. 📚 Browse the library For each entry, you’ll find the topic of the prompt, the AI model you can use the prompt on, the topic category of the prompt, a brief description of the prompt and an example of the model output.
  2. 🎯 Choose a Prompt When you find a topic that gets your creative juices flowing, click on it. Here you'll find the exact prompt you can use with the AI model and an example of model output.
  3. ⌨️ Use the Prompt Copy and paste the prompt into the ChatGPT (the only one we support for now) and let the magic happen. No AI expertise required. Within seconds, you'll see the model output.
  4. 🏁 Run with it Ta-da! Check out the model output and marvel at what AI can do. Keep the conversation going and take it in any direction you like!
  5. 🗺 Explore More Prompts If you need more inspiration or want to explore different categories, dive back into the library and choose another prompt. With promptlib, you have a whole arsenal of prompts at your fingertips, so you can get things done faster and better than ever before.

So, what are you waiting for? Visit the Prompt Library and watch your creative ideas come to life with the power of AI.

Prompt Library

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We scour the internet to find the most interesting, funny and useful prompts.

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Made with ❤️  by @folajimi_oduko